learn about hipaa

Learn About HIPAA

The healthcare industry is notoriously complex, but if there’s one thing that is clear, it’s the fact that healthcare workers need to focus on the health of their patients — and not be tied up in the complex web of technology. One of the most complex parts of the whole system is a funny sounding […]

Understanding IT service pricing

Understanding IT Service Pricing

Most businesses have some trouble understanding IT service pricing, making it seem easier to hire an in-house IT employee (or even an entire department) to handle the tasks without any complications. It’s common for business owners — especially those managing small businesses — to be leery about outsourcing any of these IT tasks for fear […]

Learn about cloud computing

Learn About Cloud Computing

Did you know that Forbes magazine recently reported that four out of five small businesses will soon rely on cloud computing for the efficiency, accessibility and cost-effectiveness of this technology? Before long, any businesses that haven’t yet adopted cloud computing will be left behind in the dust. Don’t become one of these businesses — learn […]